by November 28, 2014 updated on
TCT has compiled a list of development milestones for 1 month old baby..
When your baby is a month old, here is what is expected from him/her:
1. Responds to sounds: Some babies have very strong reflexes so they usually tend to have some kind of a response to light sounds as well. Getting started is also pretty normal and they also tend to over-recognize certain specific sounds.
2. Head flops: If the neck is not supported (which should NEVER be the case), the head flops backward.
3. Head movement: Moves head from side to side while lying on stomach.
4. Staring around: Yes, staring at familiar and unknown faces is a milestone!
5. Getting attracted to patterns: Babies tend to stare at black & white or high contrast patterns and they really love it! So encourage them by extending toys in such colors and patterns
6. The concept of follow: Some babies follow objects and sounds.
7. Familiarization with the smell of mother’s breast milk: That’s correct! Babies also develop olfactics. Particularly towards sweet smell and mom’s milk.
Disclaimer: Each baby is different from the other in terms of development mileposts. Don’t panic if your baby hasn’t shown all of the above one-month-markers. However, do speak to your pediatrician if he/she hasn’t achieved even one of these indicators.
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Filed under: Milestones Tagged: baby care after birth, baby feeding, baby growth milestones, breast milk, children doctor, health and hygiene, new born baby