by December 8, 2014 updated on
TCT brings to you some basic benefits of breastfeeding. Why is mother’s milk so good for the baby? Read on to know..
If you are reading this and happen to be a woman who is married, unmarried, working under a pregnant boss, has a friend who is a mother, have a sister-in-law who has just delivered, cousin about to deliver, sitting next to a nursing mother in the plane or just about attending a kid’s birthday party. I am sure of one thing, that at some point or the other, you would have definitely heard them all say, ‘mother’s milk is so good’. The halo at the back of their heads glowing like a shining star and that happy face, as if they have just come back from a spa therapy.
So, bingo! Here we go with a sneak preview of a nursing mother’s life whose 7 month old infant refuses to go off her breasts.
I am not complaining at all though there are days when I blame my pediatrician for not having given me enough warnings on the downside of it all. I have lost some 10 kilos already and NO! I am not happy about it. There are times when I want to travel with an ease or simply try out that lovely bubbly, the entire town has been talking about (I used to drink like a fish but that must have been like ages ago!!) Have my favorite Chinese soup or wear that pink dress I picked up early last year. It has a beautiful neckline..
Nevertheless, these are the only drawbacks of breastfeeding. I mean, come to think of it, they are not even such life changing altercations. A parent can go to any length to gift his/her child a wonderful health. Thus, here I am drafting a post while feeding my little one his favorite food, yummy and healthy, breastfeed.
TCT has listed down some basic benefits of breastfeed:-
1. Strengthens the immune system: Breast-fed children are less vulnerable to contracting a number of diseases later in life, including type 1 and 2 diabetes, heart disease, respiratory illness and cancer before the age of 15. Breastfeed is tailored as per your child’s needs. During nursing, the mother passes secretory immunoglobulin A (also known as IgA, an antibody that plays an important role in mucosal immunity) specific to the pathogens present in her body, thereby protecting the baby from those viruses and bacteria.
2. Easily digestible: Breast milk is an excellent source of nutrition yet is extremely light because it contains more whey protein which can be easily digested by the baby. It also contains casein protein (which is slightly more difficult to digest) but in less quantity. Besides, diarrhea is less likely to occur in infants who are fed breast milk.
3. Protection from food related and other allergies: Again, let’s thank immune factors such as secretory IgA for keeping allergies at bay. Usually, food allergic reaction happens when the wall of the intestinal tract is irritable which causes undigested proteins to enter the gut. IgA is responsible for the prevention of intestinal inflammation thereby ensuring baby doesn’t develop allergies. Hence, even if a parent is prone to eczema and the baby has been well breastfed, then the probability of him/her getting this skin allergy goes down considerably.
Mothers are out there to gain as much from breastfeeding! However, the biggest sense of achievement is the fact that you are able to provide your baby with the basic nourishment which is so helpful for his/her formation. So what if my baby continues to breastfeed for another 6 months. I am prepared and more than happy to nurse him. Afterall, that bubbly can wait and that pink dress might as well stay in the wardrobe a little longer. Also, I am not dying to have that Chinese soup. Now, can you see the glowing halo at the back of my head? Or my happy face, as if I have just come back from a spa therapy :)
Hey mothers! Happy feeding to you all.
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Filed under: Essentials Tagged: baby care after birth, baby feeding, benefits of breastfeeding, breast milk, children doctor, new born baby